
Showing posts from November, 2022

GAC Process Blog

GAC PROCESS BLOG Proposal “Liberally Me”      There’s a stigma against liberal arts colleges in that they’re not worth the money because of the lack of specialization in skill and lack of credentials. However, I want to go against that by providing reasons why liberal art colleges are beneficial. There are valuable skills and experiences to gain from liberal arts colleges and they often get overlooked. My goal is to reinforce the idea that the viewer shouldn’t feel pressured to attend college, as well as provide information about what liberal arts colleges have to offer and how it may help them in their future career. I believe the pressure of college is one of the most significant issues young adults face with education today. I hope that future young adults can be informed before attending college to avoid feeling regret about their decisions. Additionally, I want to incorporate my slogan “The stigma is only true if you allow it to be” because young adults shouldn’t allow other opini

Human Rights Poster

Article 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:     " Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay." The Overall Concept: The goal was to successfully communicate the concept of time in relation to the text and our day-to-day lives. I incorporated a range of clocks on the wall, on the laptop, inside one of the side tables, and the watch on the anonymous man's arm to visually communicate the irony of the article text. Granted, some people get paid time off and vacations but it only happens a few times a year. I find the work culture here in America to be draining, excessive, and sometimes dehumanizing given that there are folks that work more than 40hour a week to make ends meet. Not everyone has the freedom to rest when they want to. The Man: My original sketch showed a man in a suit laying on the bed but instead, I found an image of a distressed man sitting on the edge of a bed with