
Showing posts from October, 2022

Final Reproduction Project

Original                                                                                    Reproduced  Level of Difficulty - 9.5/10 hard time finding an image of the camera. font of text didn't fully match and is missing some parts. shading of the hand took hours long because of the different textures and shadows. matching the color of the text, hand, camera, and background to the original was time consuming. Laszlo Maholy-Nagy used a photogram to make this image so I had to do a lot of tracing using the pen tool to create this digital art since I don't have the tools he used.  Working digitally changed the aesthetic of the work: less grainy, more smoother brighter contrast more sharpened edges and lines My reproduction of the image told a more "modern" story given the change in slight details:  It foreshadows the time period he created his design to today.  It shows how much our modern software can take away nostalgia and originality from the past. The timeline recr

Human Rights Poster Sketches
